Summary of Beliefs
Christ is the Central Theme of SDACLC beliefs. The Bible truths are the backbone of the SDACLC operations. Since the writings of Ellen G. White are known to be consistent with the bible truths, these are also incorporated on SDACLC’s beliefs.
Beliefs on Question
Since SDACLC has no Church Manual and will not attempt to make one, interpretations on some biblical issues will vary “a little” from one unit church to another or from one minister to another. When the issue in question has a far reaching undesirable effect to the National Church unity, the issue may be brought to the National Church Board for the review, research, discussions and interpretations. Since the National Church Board accepted the fact that she is not free from making mistakes, and unless the issue deviated away from the Summary of Beliefs or from the Central Theme, the unit church, minister or member has the right to continue his or her interpretation of the issue.
So, in SDACLC churches or members, the measures of reformations made or implemented are not uniform. Some churches or members are still at the stage of accepting the idea of cooking during Sabbath days while others have already found the ways on how to avoid it. Still others have already been in a higher stage of unit church reformation that when someone found an individual member who has taken a bath in a Sabbath day, such activity of taking a bath will become a talk of the church. Other churches have been so successful in developing their youth’s leadership that outsiders love to enter their churches to see these youths perform, while others, even their own members hesitate to enter their own church building during AY activities.